Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Country Music Singer

Actually he didn't play guitar for the last fifty years, but at least he posed for me and my brother as a country music singer. Maybe some of you guessed already, he is my father, he was visiting us, and I took this shot on Sunday...

Today's joke:

There were two golfers on the golf course. One of the men pulled out a cigarette, and asked his friend for a light. His friend pulls out a 12 inch Bic lighter.
- "Woah, where did you get such a large Bic?"
- "Oh, my genie got it for me."
- "Your genie? You have a genie? Where is he?"
- "He is in my golf bag."
- "Can I see him?"
So the friend looks in the bag and out comes the genie. The man says to the genie; "I am your master's best friend. Would you grant me just one wish?"
The genie says "yes, just one wish". So the man wishes for a million bucks. The genie goes back in the golf bag without saying a word. Pretty soon, the sky starts to get dark. Then it gets even darker. The man looks up and sees a million ducks. He gets real upset, and says "what is the matter with your genie? Is he hard of hearing? I said a million Bucks, not a million Ducks."
"Do you really think I asked for a 12 inch Bic?"


  1. Great and very cool photoshot my friend, love the sepia color excellent capture.

  2. Very creative! Excellent work! (:

  3. wow Eddie Thats Cool!!!

  4. Great pic of your Dad here Eddie, and I love the effects you used on the pic

  5. Great shot of your father!
    Well done on the post work
    cute joke

  6. Great shot. I can see his happiness in posing for this, remembering his days playing. Your postwork is excellent.

  7. Excellent photo and very creative postwork my friend....!!!!

  8. Cool photo, fantastic old colors!!!

  9. Great job at making it look like an old photo. Excellent capture!

    ROFLOL!!! Great joke!

  10. Excellent postworking for the aged look. LMAO 12" Bic

  11. Nice capture and postwork! A great tribute to the country singer!

  12. Alessi, it's a dedication, not a tribute... he's still alive and kickin'!

  13. did a very good job on the post work. very good shot

  14. Well your dad certainly had the belt buckle down pat! Cool postwork!

  15. Excellent capture and sepia tones!!!

  16. sieht sehr nett aus, Dein Vater!
    Großartige Arbeit!

  17. Very nice shot. Great post work! I think i have heard that one before, but still funny!

  18. wonderful photo of your dad...

  19. Wonderful photo and a funny joke for the day!

  20. hahahaha @ ur joke again eddie, great photo of ur dad eddie nice effects,i bet your dad sing very good...

  21. Ohhhhhh laugh!!!! just love your jokes so much they are simply fabulous and certainly cheer me up, so a BIG thanks for that.
    How wonderful that your family are into country music big time, and the photo of your Dad is fabulous, I love how you gave it the old worn look, really great!! hugs Jane xx

  22. Ha!Ha! Those darn genies. NIce image for today, Eddie.

  23. Great joke! Excellent picture and work! Thanks for sharing!

  24. This is a great picture, my friend! I like the post-work you did here!

  25. Wonderful photo and excellent manip !

  26. Great photo of your dad!!!

  27. I don't know why i forgot this one!
    Beautiful shot of your dad, ext postwork :)

  28. outstanding post work and he is a handsome man

  29. La foto su tuo padre è stupenda!
    Adesso ti racconto uno scherzo io su un piccolo genio:
    Un uomo è sul fiume, sta pescando con le lacrime agli occhi perchè sua moglie è veramente una "strega"(donna molto cattiva).
    Cattura un pesciolino fatato e questo per liberarsi gli urla: Dimmi il tuo più grande desiderio che io te lo realizzo.
    L'uomo ci pensa un'attimo e poi dice: Vorrei un ponte che mi collegha l'Italia all'America per potere andare tutte le volte che voglio a trovare mio figlio.
    Il pesciolino ribatte che questa richiesta è quasi impossibile da realizzare. La distanza è enorme e ci sono delle grosse difficoltà tecniche per collegare questi due continenti. E' un'impresa disperata!
    L'uomo a questo punto, vedendo che il suo ponte non era possibile averlo, fa un'altra richiesta: Allora pesciolino! Riesci a fare diventare meno "strega" mia moglie?!
    A questo punto il pesciolino gli risponde: Com'è che lo vuoi questo ponte per l'America?. ;-) Ciao, Eddie.

  30. Great work here,Eddie! Your father looks fantastic and the atmosphere around, reminds to the past, really!Love the sepia tones.Lettering and effects are very well done!

  31. It's nice to see him again!

  32. I love these old trains.. nice work.
