I don't know if during the winter time they do the same show, but when I was there last summer, I saw a magnificent light show offered by the Paris' symbol, The Eiffel Tower.
Here, in this shot which actually was taken at dusk, I made that tower look like the lights were really turned on.
Got a joke too... well, I had to translate it...
A big truck hits a wagon pulled by a horse, transforming it into a ball of metal and wood. The horse, as well as the only passenger from the wagon were badly injured. When the policeman came to investigate the accident, when he saw the injured horse in a huge pain, he pulled his gun and in an access of mercy, he shoots the horse, then he goes to the passenger, asking him:
- Sir, are you ok?
The passenger, who saw the shooting scene, says:
- Oh God, I never felt so good!
Hi, Eddie again.I´ve just commmet a few minutea ago, but i don´t know if i did well.. you will tell me for my email?thanks and have a nice day
You did it well! Thank you for your comments!