Sunday, May 17, 2009

Multnomah Falls

A shot from my last trip to Seattle (two weeks ago)... I took a break at the Multnomah Falls (Oregon).

Today's joke:

A guy was driving his Mercedes on a country road when he picked up a hitchhiker. After a while the hitchhiker ask the driver what for is that circle from the front of his car.
-With that thing I aim my new victim, then I hit them with the car, says the driver, makin' fun of his mate.
And to prove it, when he saw a pedestrian walking aside the road, came closer to him, but before the impact he pulled the stering, going back on the road, then he looked in the mirror and saw the pedestrian laying over the walkside.
-You see? says the hitchhiker, that circle ain't good at all. You should be happy because I opened the door and got him!


  1. you know i love water falls and this is really awesome shot eddie...:)

  2. Fabulous!With zoom it´s very impressive all the gradiosity of that place!Wonderful work as always ,Eddie.Congrats.

  3. Thank y'all for your kind comments!

  4. Bhe! non è così difficile entrare in questo sito.:)Questa foto è talmente bella che te la ruberei! Stupenda atmosfera nella forza prorompente dell'

  5. Sono davvero contento che ti piace! In effetti è molto bello e tranquillo posto! Grazie per la visita!
