Thursday, February 4, 2010

Arkansas - The (So) Natural State

I never had in mind to create such a collage, I had other images that were waiting on line, but after traveling through the Natural State aka Diamond State aka Arkansas, I had to do it. There was an ice storm the day before, so when I got there I expected to find nice and clean roads... well, what I found was totally different. The state of Arkansas loves the nature too much to remove that natural ice from the roads. Also they love and care too much for that salt to throw it just away on the roads. Even in their Capital was the same situation, with roads covered in ice, or should I say "glazed"? So, my dear friends, whenever you intend to travel through Arkansas during the winter time, check the forecast first!

Today's joke is not from Arkansas but West Virginia!

A man in West Virginia had a flat tire, pulled off on the side of the road, and proceeded to put a withered bouquet of flowers in front of the car and another one behind it. Then he got back in the car and waited.
A passerby rubbernecked the scene as he drove by and was so curious he turned around and went back. He asked the fellow what the problem was.
The man replied, "I got me a flat tar."
The passerby asked, "But what's with the flowers?"
The man responded, "When you breaks down they says to put flares in the front and flares in the back! I
doesn't understand it neither. But, you stopped, so, I guess it works! You got a extry spar?"


  1. Wonderful and very beautiful photo series my friend.....!!!!!

  2. Great Collage of Our Kansas...

  3. this reminds me of my trip out west during January, wreck after wreck from thick ice and a blizzard snow storm.outstanding collage and I love the ice covered trees

  4. Don't know which is funnier, the joke or the commentary about Arkansas
    Great photos

  5. I've traveled through there many times, usually just on I-40 and usually during the summer months on vacation, going through on my way elsewhere. You need to print up a bunch of these and sell them at the local truck stops the truckers would love them I am sure. Great job. :)

  6. Looks dangerous but lovely! I'll keep your advice in mind! Excellent collage! (:

  7. Ar-Kansas is probably like most of the States and Cities, out of money for taking care of the Highways and Streets. Pretty soon it'll just be one BIG Ice Slip or Pothole.

  8. sehr interessante Fotos!!!!!
    Die Bäume sehen super aus - der "Rest"? GEFÄHRLICH!!!!
    Gut, dass Dir nichts passiert ist!

  9. Really love those 3 photos in the middle, great images. Oh, but the danger you had to travel through just to capture them. Well done!

  10. Outstanding photo collage my friend, excellent done.

  11. An excellent collage and a funny story! :)

  12. O my God ! Its terrible. Good collage.

  13. Very nice collage. Great shots!

  14. Great collage Eddie, it looks like you were close to where I live in Missouri. :)

  15. beautiful photo and great collage eddie,excellent shot!!..funny joke..:):)..

  16. Interesting collage! :)

  17. Great collage, Eddie!

  18. Magnificent captures and collage!
    You did a good job :)

  19. I looked for Diamonds there one day. did not find any

  20. A very beautiful collage of stunning scenery !

  21. wowwwwwwwwwww !! it looks like wonderful postcard!!! such an fantstic collage - love it

  22. well put together and great shooting!

  23. excellent presentation of this state ! A professional quality work ! bravo !

  24. Your collage is beautifully done and speaks a lot about "Arkansas"Eddie! Fabulous scenary and fine capture!

  25. I have seen this before in Texas, they don't have a lot of salt for roads they do use sand sometimes, great production!

  26. Lovely collage! this would make a perfect postcard. :-)
    And the joke is great!!! :-))))))

  27. Great Photo collage, very beautiful!!!

  28. Black ice I know what you mean ;-)

    Superb Collage!

  29. I live in Arkansas. its not that we love the ice, it is just that our state doesnt spend the money on machines to clean the roads. they have spent their money on other worthy things. besides it doesnt snow as much in arkansas as people think. The ice only stays a day or two. the salt keeps cars from going off bridgways. Texas is the same way. actually come to think of it most of the southern states dont spend money to clear icy roads... it just doesnt stay long enough
