Tuesday, February 24, 2009


This is an older shot that I took while visiting the City of Luxembourg in 2006.

For today I picked some wisdom sayings...

Man who run in front of car get "tired".

Man who run behind car get "exhausted".

War does not determine who is right, war determine who is left.

Wife who put husband in doghouse soon find him in cathouse.

Man who fight with wife all day get nothing at night.

Man who drive like hell, bound to get there.

Man who live in glass house should change clothes in basement.

Man who fish in other man's well often catch crabs.

Crowded elevator smell different to midget.


  1. Very beautiful image and you did an excellent job on the postwork!!

    Excellent wisdom sayings too!!!..:)

  2. I'm glad you like it, Diana! Thanks for the comment!

  3. You did a pretty good work!

  4. Hi,Eddie
    sorry! i´m late today..

    The butterfly is very pretty!!I did zoom.It,s much better!it goes very well with the post work.Wonderful image!
    "The sayings are nice..LOL"

  5. Hey Keith, thanks for viewing my page!

  6. Hi Ana! Thanks for stopping by... you don't have to apologize for that! Yea, zoomed looks better... my bad, I was supposed to tell that in my message!

  7. eddie this is really beautiful butterfly u did superb shot!!!

  8. Thank you for the visit and comment, Minda!
