Saturday, February 28, 2009

Old England

Another shot from Paris, with its beautiful architecture. The building from this image is Le Grand Hotel, at first level it's Old England, a fashion store.

Today's joke:

Mrs. Johnson decided to have her own portrait painted by a very famous artist. She told the artist:
- Paint me with 3-carat diamond earrings, a large diamond necklace, glimmering emerald bracelets, and a beautiful red ruby pendant.
- But ma'am, you are not wearing any of those things!
- I know, said Mrs. Johnson. My health is not good, and my husband is having an affair with his secretary. When I die I'm sure he will marry her, and I want the bitch to go nuts looking for the jewelry...


  1. Fain. Este seara sau dimineata ?

  2. Very beautiful building I just love that kind of architecture!!

    Wonderful joke as always too...:)

  3. Cristian, era seara... abia pe la pranz am ajuns in Paris! Merci de comentariu!

  4. Diana, it's a must see place! I've been in many places, but nowhere it's like in Paris! Thanks for the comment!

  5. very beautiful architecture like it a paris soo much i know someday i can visit this place...superb shot eddie!!

    *L* @ your joke!!

  6. Thanks for the comment, Minda! Hope you'll visit it someday too!

  7. Pare imensa cladirea! O facem jumi-juma? :)
